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We strongly encourage users of this site to employ Internet Explorer v8.0 or higher since encryption support is standard with all recent versions of this browser. It is recommended that users employing an earlier version of Internet Explorer update to a more recent version to ensure that they are using a browser that supports encryption.

To protect your personal information, freecourse.ca employs the most stringent available Secure Socket Layers (SSL) encryption technology in all areas of our operations where your personal information is required. This can be verified by examining the web addresses of our secure web pages. Addresses for secure pages start with "https". Any data that you provide on these pages are transmitted by secure encrypted files to ensure your privacy. These encrypted files are secure; they cannot be intercepted, altered, or decoded by a third party.

For your protection, freecourse.ca is certified by VeriSign. This is your assurance that our site is authentic and that we employ SSL encryption technology. You can check this security protection setting within your browser. When you visit a secure page, a padlock icon or a key icon will appear in the upper or lower frame of your browser to confirm that any information that you transmit will be encrypted. When you click on the image of the closed lock or the solid key, our site security information will appear.

Our website is hosted at Easyhosting.com, which employs state-of-the-art security and is monitored 24 hours a day. These advanced physical and software security measures (including routine backups) ensure that your information and orders are private, accurate, and up-to-date around the clock.

Although freecourse.ca has taken elaborate measures to protect personal information, in the unlikely event that any personal information is obtained by unauthorized third parties, freecourse.ca cannot be held liable for the disclosure of such information unless negligence on our part can be proven.

To receive additional information on our security policy via e-mail, please send your query to our e-mail address: support@freecourse.ca.

Alternatively, you can forward your query to us via regular mail by using the following mailing address:

422 Halldon Place
Ottawa, Ontario K2B 7B8

Contact Us

Mailing address:
422 Halldon Place,
Ottawa, ON, K2B 7B8


Speak to an actual person:
Mon – Sun, 6AM - 10PM EST

Wear It!

Failure to wear a flotation device is the leading contributing factor in boating fatalities. When on the water, the single-most important thing that you can do to prevent drowning is to always wear a properly adjusted PFD or lifejacket of appropriate type, size, and fit.

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